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New Member Introductions / New member, owner of a 1987 Pearson 28-2
« Last post by Otreblazer on September 11, 2024, 04:21:14 PM »
I’m an avid sailor, a retired biological oceanographer and educational technologist living in Connecticut. I own a 1987 Pearson 28-2 since 2019. My boat, Zazen, is berthed in New London, CT. This boat has a unique history, as it was dry stored in a warehouse for 13 years. Her second owner purchased her at an auction and started restoring and renovating her. Unfortunately, he fell ill and put her up for sale. He had her in his driveway when I found and purchased her, and transported her to the marina, where I re-assembled her and restored her to seaworthiness. Zazen is now a lively but comfortable cruiser that I enjoy sailing in the Long Island Sound.
New Member Introductions / New member
« Last post by D. Cunningham on September 04, 2024, 02:05:40 PM »
Hello, We recently purchased a 1989 34-2 that hadn't been sailed in a few years and needs TLC.
I'll be posting questions in the future, after searching the archives.
Plumbing and Galley Systems / Re: Cleaning the water tanks
« Last post by #95 on August 28, 2024, 03:20:44 PM »
The bow tank on #95 was just nasty as heck, and contemplated different methods to get it CLEAN....removal of tank and steamcleaning, a flexible pressure washing wand, nope. I ended up cutting a square access point to allow me to get my entire arm in there to scrub, disinfect, rinse and rinse some more. I found a good plastic welding tool at HF for 22$. It made quick work of re-sealing the cut area. The entire process took me just over 2 hours while taking my time and doing a full recovery of the tank.   
P36 / Mainsheet
« Last post by Hull#36 on August 19, 2024, 10:51:59 PM »
I solo often enough that scrambling forward to trim the mainsail is painful.  I want to route the mainsheet aft of my jib sheet 48 winch and install another lewmar 30.  If I use a combination of cheek blocks bulls eyes and a clutch, would I be able to overcome the issue of coming off the cabin deck and aft in an efficient and effective manner?  I’ve been checking around and haven’t seen any posts.
P34 / Re: Need lower companionway hardware...or a picture to go on
« Last post by Last Resort on August 17, 2024, 12:04:45 PM »
Is this what your looking for?   This is mine on my 31-2, but it looks like there was something else once upon a time before I got the boat in 2011. 
P34 / Re: Need lower companionway hardware...or a picture to go on
« Last post by Sla2370667 on August 16, 2024, 06:53:09 PM »
Can you send a picture of the location.  I have an 86 34cb
New Member Introductions / Re: Looking for new owner
« Last post by Ginger on July 29, 2024, 09:42:10 PM »
Thank you, I appreciate your response.
P36 / Re: Water Tank Questions
« Last post by Hull#36 on July 20, 2024, 09:47:28 PM »
Hull #36 here, I put a 45# CQR on the roller and 100’ of chain in the locker and I’m bow heavy as well.  I would like to install a windless but not sure how to balance the boat.
P323 / Re: Windlass
« Last post by Last Resort on July 18, 2024, 07:16:03 PM »
I went with the 8 strand as suggested, but if I don't pull on it from underneath, it binds up easily.  With just the little tug/pull, it runs through nicely.  Not sure there'd be enough weight even with a big drop, unlike my 10" :) 

I got the V700 looking around for only $600 US in 2022, so do your searching if you go with it :)
P323 / Re: Windlass
« Last post by 323Voyager on July 18, 2024, 07:01:57 PM »
Nice write up, I was looking at the V700 as well, mostly because of price. I wonder if a 3 strand rode would grab better then the 8 Plait? Any way, Thanks for the info!
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