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General Discussion / Looking for an open port for a 323 pearson.
« Last post by need low boom on November 28, 2024, 06:16:32 PM »
 I am looking one 4-1/4X 14-1/4 open port for a 323 Pearson 1980. Cannot find this specific part online.

Thank you

I found exactly what I needed at I had tried that earlier but apparently my lack of searching the internet kept me from finding it.
Interior Structures / Chart Table Drawer Pull Project
« Last post by DavidG on November 25, 2024, 12:27:34 PM »
I don't know if Pearson installed a chart table side drawer or not?  It gives an arm reach access to the hidden booze locker behind the chart side of the table when the drawer is removed.  Even so, I added what I believe to be a tasteful SS drawer pull that gives me ease of access to opening the drawer. I though it worthwhile sharing this little detail project since the flush pull (the smallest dia. size SS  pull I could find) does not establish interference of any sort - externally nor internally; although, the tolerance for the depth of the recess not to break through the back of the 1/2 teak was tight! You must go slow checking often with the forstner bit - It was a balance between flush mounting and not breaking thru the back side!
Mast and Spar Issues / Re: New Mast Step
« Last post by DavidG on November 24, 2024, 11:34:20 AM »
Can you give me contact information?  thanks, DavidG
Mast and Spar Issues / Pearson Boom Pad Eye
« Last post by DavidG on November 24, 2024, 11:31:16 AM »
I am adding a 3rd Reef point on my P323 boom and need to source a padeye to match all the others on the boom - I don't want to add a different fitting than what is already there!  Any help would be appreciated, thanks
For Sale and Wanted / Pearson Boom Pad Eye
« Last post by DavidG on November 24, 2024, 11:28:23 AM »
I am adding a 3rd Reef point on my P323 boom and need to source a padeye to match all the others on the boom - I don't want to add a different fitting than what is already there!  Any help would be appreciated, thanks
Interior Structures / Re: Plastic Bin under Nav Seat-
« Last post by DavidG on November 24, 2024, 10:36:29 AM »
Very good simple idea, as this is a must for me relieving my organizing overload kinumdrum(s) throughout the boat...  I have yet to try and weld plastic - have a bow tank that needs welding if possible (see my response to 323 Water Tank posting?  Your weld looks very nice (if that is what I see in the photo (triangular add-on). Thanks for the good idea as I plan to add it to my list for winter projects!  Lastly, did you use cardboard for templatinng the plexiglass cutout? DaividG
Interior Structures / Lee Cloth and Galley Safety Bar
« Last post by DavidG on November 24, 2024, 10:14:57 AM »
I recently finished a couple of projects that were needed; since my P323 doesn't have a sea berth, I decided to add a lee cloth to the Port side settee berth but while doing so also encorporated a galley safety bar.  The aft lee cloth padeye bolt provided for the fwd safety bar stantion base upper mounting screw (integral design).  I wanted something simple and yet non-intrusive, which this design hit the mark!.  The materials are easily accessible and found on-line, and are all 316 SS paying particular attention to strength specifications of the padeye bolts (400 lbs).  The safety bar is composed of 1" SS  rail and I drilled and tapped (1/4x20) the outer set screw hole into the railing tube to anchor the padeye bollts to the fitting and tube locking it all together.  It works nicely and is substantial, and I was able to get a nice finished look.  The lee cloth was pretty straight forward after "measuring thrice drill once" to install the padeye bolts.; also added were a second set of barrel bolts for the sliding settee berth board to ensure the weight of the lee cloth under load will give extra security with the supporting board.  Lastly, I added 3 equally spaced tie rings to the lee cloth to allow extra holding by tying cloth to salon grab rail (it works nicely) and gives me the much needed features.
Interior Structures / Re: 323 Water Tanks
« Last post by DavidG on November 22, 2024, 10:40:56 AM »
Thanks for the tank information as I have been considering plastic welding my bow tank fitting/side wall that was busted out of the tank (i.e., triangular tank side wall piece along with the hose fitting was busted/separated). It looks like someone stepped on the fitting and the side wall triangular piece busted out from the stress1?  Never the less, your replacement info has me considering replacing the bow tank altogether.  Could you expand upon how you got the bow tank into its location; was there a lot of interference removal required?  If it is not a major ordeal I am considering the replacement otherwise will try my hand at plastic welding as a starting point.  Thanks, DavidG/Independence

PS - I am located on the Sassafras River not to far from your hailing port.
Steering System, Hull Structure / Emergency tiller on P323
« Last post by T_schlueter on November 18, 2024, 09:35:01 PM »
My emergency tiller useless unless I remove the compass and guard from my pedestal. I feel like I am missing something. See pic.
Steering System, Hull Structure / Re: steering fix
« Last post by T_schlueter on November 18, 2024, 09:31:55 PM »
I used brass rods to fashion new pins. We'll see how they hold up. More concerning to me was the condition of the idler plate. It's a total rust blob. I replaced it with a 12x12 5/16 aluminum plate. I don't understand why Edson used steel. Everything else is either bronze/brass or aluminum. Even the bolts holding the pedestal in place. Oddly, steel nuts were used which were totally fused to the bolts. I've attached pics of my old plate.
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