« on: December 18, 2017, 10:31:13 PM »
I took the rudder out of Chance pearson 323 1977 ,22 years ago. After she was hit by a lightning strike in 1995. There was excessive play in the rudder skeg shoe. I want to epoxy the entire bottom of the boat plus rudder. I believe there is a bronze shoe fitting that the stainless rudder shaft or post fits in , needed some repairs. Make sure you have enough room to drop the rudder and the length of the shaft, which goes just below the emergency tiller plate. I have seen people dig holes to get rudders out! If you look at the rudder post you will see the shoe supporting it. That is the of bottom of the shoe which is then fasten to skeg , I believe on the sides. Again its been 22 years ago! Rudder is not light , you might have to lower it with a jack. Good luck Bob K