« on: April 02, 2021, 11:08:31 AM »
Ha, ya, I had to give up on my Autohelm 3000. It was unreliable but somewhat useful.
I had my installation planned out in my head(mistake) based on the illustration in the manual. Missed minor details like length of cables! I'm thinking about running the backbone cable up alongside the pedestal and using a short spur to connect the controller. Perhaps I'll mount the ACU next to the compass and block already mounted starboard and aft of the monel fuel tank. Then connect block and ACU to house batteries in port lazarette.
Three other questions:
1. How did you get cables through cockpit floor?
2. How did you mount the controller? I'm thinking a ball and socket type thing to clamp to the pedestal bar.
3. Did you install the ferrules included with the kit?