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P323 / Re: Windlass
« Last post by Last Resort on July 17, 2024, 10:43:35 PM »
This was my install 2 years ago on my 31-2.  Yours is somewhat similar, so maybe you can get some ideas from my install.  Good Luck!
Interior Structures / Re: 323 Water Tanks
« Last post by 323Voyager on July 17, 2024, 09:33:18 PM »
For anyone in the future looking to replace their 323 tanks. These are the ones I chose. I got them from Ronco Plastics.

The two Settee tanks are just a mirror of each other and are the B228, 30 gal Tanks.

The Waste Tank is B226 a 17 Gal tank. (This tank was also in the VBirth, not sure if I'm mounting in same place, or changing head layout and mounting in the head)

The Bow tank is B469 a 39 Gal tank. All fit quite well.
Below are the drawings I made for the tanks and their hose attachments.
Interior Structures / Re: 323 Water Tanks
« Last post by 323Voyager on July 17, 2024, 09:16:11 PM »
In the above images, believe it or not, I had cleaned them up with bleach. The insides were coated in black slime and smelled bad. The tanks had baffles, which would have made them near impossible to clean properly if not replacing them.

Here are the pics with the tanks almost entirely removed.

I measured the area available to me, and scoured the inter-webs for premade tanks that would kinda fit.

I designed how I wanted the ports on the tanks and ordered them. Next I will be making supports for the tanks I will glass and epoxy to the hull, for the tanks to rest and get strapped into.
I plan on making the tank "cradles" out of 1/4" marine ply and glue and stitching them together and maybe covering them in chop strand or just epoxy to make them water resistant.

The last pic is just the tank sitting in the space under the settee to make sure it was going to fit.
Interior Structures / 323 Water Tanks
« Last post by 323Voyager on July 17, 2024, 09:08:44 PM »
During my survey I was warned the tanks were not usable for drinking water. Also the Bow tank was cracked and leaking. Doing some digging I couldn't find much info on replacing them. So I did what any untrained fool would do, and started cutting, I mean investigating...

The water tanks were made of fiberglass and were glassed to the hull. One under each Settee and one in the V Birth. I cut out the Settee tops. They were sandwich construction like a deck, and had 1/2" plywood core and glass on each side. The tanks were glass, and quite thick. It took awhile to cut and grind them out.
P323 / Windlass
« Last post by 323Voyager on July 17, 2024, 07:11:59 PM »
I've seen a few discussions on a windlass by googling but they are all over ten years old. Does anyone have a working windlass installed on their 323? and if so, what modifications did you make, what would you do different, and what model did you choose?
Also are you using 5/16 chain or 1/4 in chain?
P323 / Granny Bars
« Last post by 323Voyager on July 17, 2024, 07:08:13 PM »
What do you think of Granny Bars ( Mast Pulpits) on a 323? Not sure if there is enough room. Does anyone have them? or has anyone seen any?
Steering System, Hull Structure / Re: Pearson 323 Skeg
« Last post by 323Voyager on July 17, 2024, 06:59:52 PM »
Just wanted to follow up with progress. I had the bottom bead blasted and have been fairing and fixing other little issues. I also fiberglassed two of the thru hulls shut that are no longer being used.
As per Alma's advice I covered the bronze bolts. I used acrylic (Not Silicone) house caulk to cover the bolt heads. The epoxy stuck to it fine. Then used 10 oz glass to cover it over and faired with total boat's fairing compound.
Hopefully it lasts, but it seems to be a solid repair.
Next will be barrier coating.
Thanks for all the advice, I was worried it was more then a cosmetic repair.
P34 / Need lower companionway hardware...or a picture to go on
« Last post by Rol1964 on July 14, 2024, 10:15:22 AM »
I am missing the lower companionway hardware on my P34. Searching internet yields no results. Can anyone supply a picture of the two pieces? I can use it to fabricate or adopt something similar. Thx
P27 / Re: Sea Strainer
« Last post by Last Resort on July 10, 2024, 12:51:26 PM »
If you have the original, probably brass, it's time to replace the whole unit and put in a modern one that you can see through and deal with much easier.  I changed mine a decade ago to a Vetus model

and love it.  There are many different manufacturers of this type of strainer.
It's an easy swap. Just match up the hose sizes to the model you need and all set.
P27 / Sea Strainer
« Last post by Oran on July 09, 2024, 08:34:23 AM »
I need to replace the gasket on the sea strainer for my Pearson 27. I am having a hard time identifying the part since the engine parts source says that this part was installed by the boat builder and my Pearson 27 manual does not show this as a part for the boat. Any clues out there?
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