In Massachusetts if there is no hull id# present one will be assigned by the state, which sounds like happened in your case.
I know for a fact that some manufactures will "hide" the hull id# some where inside the boat.
This number is same as the external hull number but generally is not in plain sight and acts as a means to identify boats were the external hull number is missing or has been altered. Not sure when this practice was started but maybe somebody on this sight might have run across this number on the Pearson 26 and can point you in the right direct.
Happy Sailing no matter what the hull id# is
I know for a fact that some manufactures will "hide" the hull id# some where inside the boat.
This number is same as the external hull number but generally is not in plain sight and acts as a means to identify boats were the external hull number is missing or has been altered. Not sure when this practice was started but maybe somebody on this sight might have run across this number on the Pearson 26 and can point you in the right direct.
Happy Sailing no matter what the hull id# is