Pearson Boats - Common Systems > Deck Mounted Hardware
Moving the mainsheet traveler
Hi everyone, I own a 1975 Pearson 30. I've been entertaining the thought of moving the mainsheet traveler from the cockpit to the cabin top for more room. I know other people that have done it but I'm curious if anybody here has and if they've had any issue with the cabin top holding the load? I certainly don't want to damage the boat or create an unsafe condition. Thanks in advance!
On my P28, the traveller had been moved to the cabin top. I'm assuming that the previous owner injected epoxy between the fiberglass to give it more strength.
I can get you some pictures if that helps.
I've read of some 10M owners moving the traveller in similar fashion, and not only does it open up cockpit room, but may allow a bigger dodger. However, as a single hander often, I prefer keeping mine just where it is. The 10M's wheel is forward, and the main sheet is right there, making it a breeze solo. Fair winds,
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