Pearson Boats - Common Systems > Electrical Systems & Electronics
Raymarine EV-100 Autopilot
Rusty Pelican:
Has anyone installed the Raymarine EV-100 in a P323.
My question is, where is a good place to mount the compass unit and the main controller unit.
Don't know about the EV-100; but my Nexus/Garmin has the compass behind the aft storage box at the table, i.e screwed on the chart table "bulkhead". If you see what I mean. The controller is in the starboard lazarette, on the bulkhead with all the other wiring (i's getting a bit short of real estate though!). General dimensions look the same.
There is a photo sequence of the hydraulic ram installation, and the positioning of the controller, on the 323 site:
Yes, I installed one 2 years ago. I mounted the entire system below the cockpit, aft of the fuel tank, on the wooden beam that supports the fuel tank. I mounted it there for a few reasons.
1- It's directly on the centerline of the boat.
2- It's more than 3 feet away from the mechanicals.
3-Nothing magnetic nearby
4-it's a very high and dry location.
5- Will not consume valuable storage real estate else where.
6- Electrical is right there
7- SeaTalk NG wires are freaking expensive, and the shorter you can make the network, the cheaper
8- You are directly below the pedestal.
Because I solo sail 99% of the time, it has proven to be invaluable. It is spot on and can handle weather. I have complete confidence in it's operation. Hope this helps.
I think Valor has the right idea. I too have the EV-100. It has been great (nearly indispensable), since I also single-hand most of the time. As for mounting, mine is on the bulkhead immediately forward of the chart table. Biggest issue I have had is that this location influences what you can store in the starboard storage areas. Once I learned how sensitive the sensor core is to nearby ferrous material, it has worked wonderfully. I have been very happy with how well it handles weather.
I mounted mine in the bilge just aft of the sump. It is on centerline and also in the center of the boat as specified by Raymarine. It is submersible so an occasional splash of bilge water or beer isn't a problem. I made an aluminum bracket that attaches to the hull liner joint fastener so again no new holes drilled in the boat. I mounted the controller aft is starboard lazzerette aft of hatch.
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