General Category - Pearson Owners and Enthusiasts > Boat Handling

First sail

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So, our first sail on the boat happened to be in the cruising fleet at the Barefoot Open regatta.  We got a 2nd overall.  Not too shabby!  I had never driven a wheel and we had not raised the main before this regatta.  The winds were typical Lake Lanier, light to crappy and shifty.  I think we are going to LOVE this boat in a breeze. On the way home we got to try out the "spinnaker".  The previous owner had never flown it in the 10 years he had the boat.  Does anyone have ideas about where to mount the tack to facilitate easy gybing?  Also it is in a "sock".  Where should be tie the lines off for that?
Edith Collins
Encontrado #203
Lake Lanier, GA

Sounds like a great first sail!

A number of us are trying to work out the best way to fly a spinnaker.  Have a look at the thread on this forum:,503.0.html

Also see the nice writeup here:

Where to put the tack is a great mystery for most of us...hopefully somebody with a factory-installed spinnaker rig will let us know the "correct" placement...

Frayed Knot:
When Matthew is over I will go take some pictures to show how mine is rigged.  I run a sock and didn't  add any extra cleats.   

Some photos would be great!  I am still trying to optimise my setup, as Selene did not even have a spinnaker halyard when I bought her....

So happy Big M turned out to be bad - but not disastrous. Fingers crossed for the boat....

Here is Selene last Wednesday.

A few minutes after this photo, it tore at the head - "off with the head". <sigh>. No gusts or anything - pulling well, then 'pop'.  The clew was tight, as we were reaching, but not *that* tight.

Well, it was purchased off Craig's List as a trainer 'chute!



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