Pearson Boats - Common Systems > Deck Mounted Hardware
the pearson 323 companionway
I love my 323 and I appreciate the nice high bridge deck but my friends always give me grief about going into/out of the cabin.
Ron Wolfgram
Saint Paul MN
That high bridge deck gives me peace-of-mind too, but when working on a project, you really get a workout going up and down that ladder a hundred times in an afternoon. That and climbing down into and back out of the sail lockers!
Some friends looked at those steps and said "Definitely not dog friendly!"
This girl never had any trouble climbing up the companionway steps.
Sadly she is gone now. She also would jump into the inflatable and make her way back up the boarding ladder with a spotter.
Sailing this year without a dog has some freedoms yet I'd rather have Winnie with us again.
Not only does the 323's bridge deck make down flooding less of a danger, the complex shape molded into the cockpit makes the boat very strong amidships.
It reminds me of breaking my pinkie toe. >:( Which I think I did a few weeks ago, and then a week after that...I find that if I just tape my pinkie toe to the one next to it, I'm at least reminded to take it easy going through there. :-\
Libations Too:
I like the bridge of the reasons that I was drawn to the 323. But it, combined with a dodger, does make moving between the cockpit and cabin a real chore at times. I find it most troublesome when fully suited in fleece to stay warm, covered with foul weather gear, and topped off with a pfd. Add a little heel to the boat and the transit between cockpit and cabin gets to be a real commute. But, as Dolce Vita said, it gives great peace-of-mind...especially when running in big seas.
I have also found that the top step of the companionway stair makes for a perfect seat for long night passages or in nasty weather. I slip in the lower wash board for a back rest, tuck myself in under the dodger with a steaming cup of coffee, prop my feet on the bulkhead forward of the nav station, and enjoy the ride.
If I were to make any design changes I would not touch the bridge deck. But I would consider raising the boom a few inches to allow a higher dodger that would make it easier to take that first step when going below.
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