Pearson Boats - Common Systems > Engine and Drive Train

new motor


Frayed Knot:
I am looking at a Bata 25 to put in the 323.  I have found a place in Indonesia.  Its name is   (Marine Power Engine).  He is selling the new motor for $3,200.00 shipping $435.00.  That is close to 7,000.00 less than the places in america.  Is this a scam or has any one purchased from this company? 

Frayed Knot:
Still want to know the answer to this question but don't need a new motor...

Last Resort:
I believe it's a scam myself, but likely the same as everyone else here, I didn't want to say anything in case it was for real and you missed it.   Again though, if it seems to good to be true, it "usually" is. 


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