Pearson Boats - Common Systems > Engine and Drive Train
Is there a special type of diesel fuel for the Volvo MD11c engine?
I just purchased a Pearson 323 with a Volvo MD11c engine. The tank is about 1/3 full and I'm starting to think about getting fuel. I'm pondering if the diesel sold at gas stations will work. Please kindly advise. Thank you!
AFAIK there are two main types of diesel.
The stuff sold in gas stations, which works fine. Also called on-road or clear diesel. It's what I have been using in my Westerbeke for 10+ years.
"red dye" diesel. Very similar to the regular diesel, but cheaper, as it is tax-exempt. If you put it into your car and it is discovered, you may get a fine. But in your boat it is legal.
There is also #2 diesel, normally used in long-distance trucks, and biodiesel. #2 diesel (I am told) will work fine, but has a lower cetol rating and so will be more difficult to start, especially in lower temperatures.
I have no experience with biodiesel.
One other tip - you may want to consider a fuel additive. Depending on how long you leave fuel in the boar, some algae will happily start consuming the fuel (!), and some stabilisers also improve starting. Personally I use biobor JF - but I am no expert!
Thanks selene.
Your response confirms information I've garnered since my initial post. I'll look into using an additive.
chuck stas:
Thanks for that info.
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