Pearson Boats - Common Systems > Plumbing and Galley Systems
Deck drain/scuppers P31-2
Abaco Joe:
Hi Everyone,
The deck drains/scuppers on my P31-2 need replacing. These are the drains on the deck just outboard of the cockpit coaming. The port side has a 1.5" hose barb, the starboard is threaded to a 90 elbow with the 1.5" hose barb.
Has anyone replaced these and what vendor did you select? I've looked at Forespar and they have their 25X series Thru-Hull parts made from Marelon and have what I'm looking for but the "head" diameter is 2.8", the old ones measure about 2.6". The 2.8" part looks like it might barely fit in the deck recess but I'm concerned it might stand proud allowing a pool of water around the head. Perko offers a hose barb model only and the head is 2.75" across so not much different from the Forespar parts. Also looked at T-H Marine but they had limited selections in 1.5" size. I rather not use metal drains due to corrosion and cost.
I just replaced mine with fittings in stock at west marine. They worked perfectly.
It was $54.00 or so.
If the Forespar parts don’t fit, you can always just grind down the Marelon flange till it does. Shouldn’t take much.
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