General Category - Pearson Owners and Enthusiasts > For Sale and Wanted

Parts for Pearson 36-2


Refitting my 1986 36-2
Looking for an anchor locker cover for the bow.
Engine instrument panel for the cockpit.

Port lights.

Are there any used Pearson part dealers anywhere?

Thanks in advance


Last Resort:
for the instrument panel, my original Yanmar was in bad shape when I bought my boat in 2011, but I found brand new ones still available at the dealers.  I was only the plate and I had to swap out all the gauges, key, etc., but it sure looks nice even now.  If yours is a Yanmar as well, I believe they're still available.
Here's a used one on eBay with tach and everything included if it matches and that's what you need.    Toad Marine Supply also has it for around $900 new. 

Here's a link to just the plate if that's all you need:

mass marine parts in Quincy Ma has parts from several salvaged Pearsons

Last Resort,

Thanks for the information on the engine control panel.  Been looking for one for some time now, as the corners are broke off on mine.


SV Conundrum:
Hope you already found it but in caseā€¦. Type b panel


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